Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Chaparral Tea

I was going to limit this blog to exercise, but lately I am learning so much about herbs by using the internet that I want to share, and I will change my title later - maybe. I use the internet to research everything, I am quite the googleholic. In any case, my latest favorite herb is Chaparral. It is used to treat many things from bad breath to cancer, and it has been making my moles go away - slowly, but noticeably. I actually have one small one which has disappeared - wait, I don't have it. It's completely gone, and the others are shrinking. In any case, read the full story here and do your own research.

Doctrine and Covenants 89:11 "Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving."

Click here to learn about Chaparral Tea

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Agave - a safe alternative to sugar

I love that we are getting smarter about nutrition these days, and recognizing that unprocessed foods are better. This article gave me just a little more hope. I have also heard of a sweetener called sucranat, which is evaporated sugar cane juice. It is my hope that as more people become aware that more of these items will be found on our grocer's food aisles, replacing the unhealthful foods that unfortunately occupy space there today.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fit TV

We recently got cable and so far I use it for two things: Exercise and spiritual uplift. Needless to say it is mostly off. But here I want to talk about Fit TV. What an awesome idea. Some of the instructors are weird, but I was doing a workout the other morning and the lady on there says "this exercise is good if you have cramps." I was so impressed. I think if I were overweight, I would turn this station on and keep it on until I was in shape. It is also great because when the kids get to me for a minute there is almost always another workout coming. If you miss jumping jacks, do yoga, etc. It's a bit random but it is still better than sitting still all day long.