Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Fun New Exercise

I just discovered a fun new exercise and I wanted to share it with you all. Find your 5 year old, any child really will do. Get them to sit on the floor. My favorite method is to turn on a TV show. Take your shoes off. Stand next to them and simply put your foot on top of their head and keep it there without hurting them for five minutes. This proved to be a great workout for both me and my son. Switch sides and repeat. Happy workouts!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Power Chairs

Last night my husband and I were at the grocery store and we watched a little old man, who was parked in a handicapped spot, walk out to his car assisted by store personnel, and painstakingly get into his car with his cane and the small bag that held what he had purchased. The whole process took about five minutes. Earlier in the store, the manager had rushed to help him because she remarked "he usually doesn't come this late". My husband made the comment that this is who those motor-powered wheelchairs are for, the truly disabled who can not do for themselves, not for excessively large people who decide they can't be bothered to walk anymore. I think he hit the nail right on the head. We are making a mock of our healthcare system, eating too much, failing to educate ourselves on nutrition, and just generally indulging ourselves in unhealthy habits. I think it is disrespectful because it takes resources away from those who suffer from conditions they can't prevent. My heart goes out to this man and those who suffer like him. It certainly can be a tough world, and if some of us aren't healthy enough to help, who will help us?

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Workout

I found a new workout on Exercise TV, and I love it. 20 minutes 3 times a week and I already look better. Less cottage cheese on my butt, and I can tell if I keep at it, I really will have a body that looks good in a bikini - whether or not I actually want to wear one is a different story. A word of warning to you though, I actually gained weight with this. My skinny frame put on an extra 5 pounds of muscle. I went from my 115 back up to the 120 that I weighed in high school when I was dancing 24/7. Anyhow, to find it, go to and type in bikini body workout. The first one that comes up with Stephanie Vitorini is it. You will definitely be sore the next day.